А также читайте и смотрите множество свидетельств о том, как Божья благодать и любовь преображает жизнь людей. Мы надеемся, что «Истории о Божьих…
Our office in Indonesia was set up in 1998 with the belief that “there is a wide-open door for a great work here” (1 Corinthians 16:9 NLT).
We started as a radio broadcasting service and a provider of biblical literature in English and Mandarin. In 2006, we began translating and publishing the Our Daily Bread into Bahasa Indonesia, under the name…
Our Daily Bread India distributes Our Daily Bread in English, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Kannada, Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati and Malayalam in keeping with it’s mission to “make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all.”
Our Daily Bread Ministries has always been committed to making the Word of God understandable and accessible to all, and this is still our spiritual foundation. With over 75 years of ministry, we now have more than 600 employees in 35 countries and create resources in over 30 languages that are distributed in more than 150 countries. Ministry partners distribute…
Canada (French ministry)
En 1938, le ministère fait ses débuts avec une émission radiophonique appelée Detroit Bible Class. Depuis ce temps, notre auditoire est passé d’un petit groupe de gens dévoués à un million de personnes venant de partout dans le monde, et qui utilisent nos ressources bibliques.
Au fil des années, nous avons changé notre nom afin de mieux refléter la variété…
Our Daily Bread Ministries has always been committed to making the Word of God understandable and accessible to all, and this is still our spiritual foundation. With over 75 years of ministry, we now have more than 600 employees in 35 countries and create resources in over 30 languages that are distributed in more than 150 countries. Ministry partners distribute…
Мы помогаем людям понять библейскую мудрость, которая может изменить жизнь каждого человека. Приглашаем вас присоединиться к ежедневным размышлениям над Божьим Словом. Подпишитесь на «Хлеб Наш Насущный» в удобном для вас формате: печатном или цифровом.